Lo cas Picasso
Coincidint amb la posada a la venda del llibre d’Andreu Carranza i Esteban Martin “ La clau Gaudí”, publiquem al bloc el primer capítol, i possiblement últim, de “Lo cas Picasso”, escrita per Inam Trebla ( 1981 Flich ). Autor d’origen polac, ha publicat entre altres de la famosa novel·la, “El qui no boti”. La seva obra esta marcada per un dels seus traumes d’infantesa, la traïció de Lech Wałęsa al règim comunista. Milità des de molt jove a les files del PPC, partit polac comunista, que no partit popular de Catalunya. Cursà els seus estudis a la Universitat Rovirach e Puichercov de Barsovia on obtingué la diplomatura de Turisme especialitat d’oci nocturn. Fou empresonat pel govern de polonès durant la revolta del 99, coneguda com “Wojtylada” o “La gran ampollada”, la seva estada però és limità a un parell de setmanes. Després d’allò es retirà de l’escenari polític per donar pas als seus llibres, en els quals plasma la seva animadversió davant el sistema del capital.
El que presentem avui a Lo Manicomi és un resum fet per mi d’aquest primer capítol:
El que presentem avui a Lo Manicomi és un resum fet per mi d’aquest primer capítol:
L’Any 1937, Pablo Picasso pinta el Guernica, un quadre alusiu a la població vasca bombardejada per l’aviació alemanya però que amaga una gran secret, els orígens de l’autor. Segons la novel·la el personatge que apareix a la dreta del quadre, la dreta de lo que ho mire claro, i que porte a la mà una llum d’oli és ni més que menos que Elvis Presley!!! Però com pot ser possible? La resposta és clara, Picasso no era Malagueny, en realitat és tractava d’un agent del govern nord-americà. Però això tampoc aclareix el fet de que aparego Elvis, lo quadro és del 37 i este tot just tenie 2 anys. Aquí és quan l’autor assenyala Picasso com un viatger en el temps, una persona que sota les ordres de la intel·ligència americana retrocedeix des d’un futur no molt llunyà al nostre actual fins al principis del segle XX amb l’objectiu de fer propaganda del sistema capitalista de forma subliminal. Aquí si no se li ocurreix pintar quadros en quadros, cubos, per tot arreu, ha de ser algú que haigo jugat a la Play, que haigo conegut lo Tetris, i en aquella època tot això estava per veure. Com a mostra us deixo en una imatge del llibre on es veu clarament la figura d’Elvis Presley.
33 comentaris:
El Papa Vulltila va ser escollit per error i això va fer caure el comunisme o fals comunisme.
La frase va ser: Vill til-la!!! i tots van dir Vulltila!!! Vulltila!!! i van fer Papa a Joan Pau II
Tothom s'avorria i només hi ha havia un bisbe nerviós i tenia de ser català o aparentment. Narcis Jubany del que es creu que era un agent americà, i possiblement, un polonès o polac de veritat i no polac d'insult carca castellà, va demanar una til-la a un cambrer quan tots els bisbes s'adormien i va aconseguir sense adonar-se, el que volia la CIA, que fos escollit Joan Pau II per carregar-se el sistema polític que tant molestava al capitalisme i l'obertura amb la Perestroika de Gorbatxov.
Narcis Jubany o Narkisius Jubanyov, renegat eslau d'aquelles terres, va adjurar del paneslavisme i va ajudar sense donar-se compte, a fer caure les dictadures pseudocomunistes de l'Est d'Europa i és un dels que hauria de sortir al llibre, encara que llogat pels americans a la conxorxa, va fer escollir al Papa demanant una simple til-la.
PS Ahhhhhh, estic a la biblioteca que se m'ha espatllat l'ordinador!!!!
Si es que cada dia estic més convençut de que tot lo que mos envolte és fruit d'una conspiració judio-masónica però no roja sino capitalista que mos fa creure que tot això és fruit d'una conspiració judio-masónica que mos fa creure que tot això és fruit ...
Pos se veu que enguany per Sant Jordi vendran la novel·la esta de "Lo cas Picasso" amb una reproducció del Guernica de regal si ne compres 2 (lo 2x1 de la cultureta ne diuen)...
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That just about wraps it up. My collection of the very best centre forwards to kick a ball for Manchester Utd before Ferguson's days. Are you wondering why I decided to only include pre-Ferguson players in this list? Actually it's simply because I feel the forwards that have been at Utd during Alex Ferguson's lengthy leadership in charge of United require a write up all to themselves. Sir Alex Ferguson hasn't been short of forwards to chose from. There is a good chance this wont be my last word on the issue. A piece on the strikers who played for Alex may be on the cards. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]arsenal football[/url] It took a while before United would again savour the sweet taste of victory, but in the nineties and early noughties, Sir Alex Ferguson led the club to eight league championships in 11 years, the last one during the 2002-03 season. The team also made history in 1999 as the first team to win the elusive treble, the UEFA Champions League, the FA Premier League and the FA Cup in the same season. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]dimitar berbatov[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.
Real Madrid’s hopes and dreams were smashed by Lyon on Wednesday, where the Spanish giants had a tied game but were beaten in the aggregate score, 2-1. No more final in the Bernabeu Stadium. No more Champions League. Real Madrid players were devastated by the result. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]real madrid fotos[/url] With this victory, Real Madrid is focusing on their next match against Osasuna, which will be held on May 2nd. During their last match on January 3rd, neither of the two could obtain the victory; the game ended 0-0. Now, this game will be key for both squads; the Whites would be closer to surpassing Barça to obtain the La Liga title, which they haven’t won in two seasons. On the other hand, Osasuna, which tied their last game against Athletic Bilbao, are trying to add a triumph and surpass Espanyol in the 11th place of the standings. If Osasuna end in 11th or 10th place this season, it will be the best position they have achieve in four seasons.
In round 21 of La Liga, Real Madrid (50 points) beat Espanyol 3-0 last Saturday, closing in on Barcelona, the current leader of the Spanish League standings with 55 points. The team led by Manuel Pellegrini added its eleventh victory in the Santiago Bernebeu Stadium and recovered the difference with Barça, which beat Getafe 2-1. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]ronaldo goals[/url] Barcelona’s victory on Tuesday night moved the team up to the first position in the general standings. Barca has completed a rash of wins this season, claiming the first three games of the regular season. They even came close to repeating last Saturday’s game against Atletico Madrid, when they scored five goals against two from Atletico.
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So I bit the bullet -- bought myself a [url=http://www.ordio.com.au/products/Fatman-iTube-ValveDock-Carbon-Edition-2.html]Fatman iTube Carbon 2[/url] and I am very glad to report that I am an extremely happy customer. I actually listened to one at a friend's house several months ago and just couldn't get that music out of my head because it impressed the heck out of me. I searched everywhere for a great deal and finally found it at [url=http://www.ordio.com.au]Ordio[/url] in Westfield Bondi Junction. I rang them first and asked every question I could think of and everything was answered to my satisfaction so I went ahead and made the purchase. Shipping was surprisingly fast. Everything was as it should be. I'm pretty darn happy and I'm playing it right now. Not sure if they ship outside of Australia but you won't be sorry if they do.
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Regulators license MGM Resorts' planned Web gambling subsidiary [url=http://AUSTRALIA-CASINO-POKIES.COM/]roulette|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-FREE-CASINO.COM/]casino online|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-ONLINE-CASINOS.COM/]baccarat|[url=http://FINLANDINTERNETCASINO.COM/]casino gratuity[/url] LAS VEGAS -- MGM Resorts Foreign's planned online gaming subsidiary was licensed Thursday next to the Nevada Gaming Commission to function an interactive poker website in Nevada.
MGM Resorts officials told regulators the company would stand by until real-money poker and casino online company Bwin.Party Digital Play plc is licensed by the state of affairs in advance of launching its website.
Bwin.party, MGM Resorts and Boyd Gaming Corporation have a partnership concurrence to act the online poker in Nevada and cranny of the Collaborative States if Congress legalizes the activity.
Bwin.Party is licensed in Gibraltar and operates all the way through Europe. The company is awaiting licensing from Nevada gaming regulators, but the germaneness isn't expected to be heard until by next year.
Under the compatibility, Bwin.Party owns 65 percent of the operation, MGM Resorts owns 25 percent and Boyd Gaming has 10 percent.
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The group supplies a one [url=http://nhommuagiatot.com/thoi-trang.html]gia re moi ngay[/url] for every day in every and every single of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance settlement making use of ThePoint's technique: if a particular amount of individuals indication up for the supply, then the supply gets to be accessible to all if the predetermined bare least is not accomplished, no one particular will get the deal that functioning working day. This decreases opportunity for shops, who can offer with the discount coupons as amount particular discounts as effectively as earnings advertising and marketing tools. Groupon tends to make revenue by keeping about fifty percent the income the buyer pays for the coupon.
For occasion, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be received by the customer for $40 by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a massage valued at $eighty and will get about $twenty from Groupon for it (below a fifty%/50% break up). Or, if $240 well worth of home painting companies is purchased by the shopper for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the group will get $20 five and Groupon keeps $20 five. The consumer gets the therapeutic massage, or the property painting company, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at first paid $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are particular businesses to which Groupon originally did not provide its vendors, which includes getting photos ranges and strip golfing gear even so, having images ranges have been showcased on Groupon.
Unlike categorized marketing and advertising and marketing, the merchant does not commit any upfront value to get part: Groupon collects non-public data from completely ready clients and then contacts only folks buyers, mainly by day-to-day electronic mail, who may possibly possibly perhaps be intrigued in a distinct merchandise or services.
Groupon employs a massive amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the bargains showcased by e mail and on the website. Groupon's advertising textual content for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing aspect to the recognition of the web site, showcasing a exclusive mix of comprehensive fact-checking and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's market presently being largely composed of female consumers, the delivers are usually concentrated on the all round overall health, physical fitness and beauty markets.
There are prospective problems with the organization product. For illustration, a successful offer could speedily swamp a modest enterprise with as well a great deal of customers, jeopardizing a probability that shoppers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be adequate resolution to meet up with the desire from customers. Gap, a large garments retailer, was capable to manage 445,000 discount discount coupons in a national deal (even even though it well-informed server troubles at a one position), but a more compact organization could turn into abruptly flooded with customers. A one espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clients for 3 months, when it purchased shut to one,000 Groupons on the a single doing work day it was provided, in accordance to a single report. In response to related difficulties, Groupon officers level out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in development to a sensible quantity.
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